Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer Resources

There are a number of resources available for screenings. If your clinic does not offer cervical cancer screenings than you can refer your patients to one of the clinics that are contracted as Well Woman Health Check providers and they will be able to access services for free. If your clinic screens women but does not have resources for follow up testing these patients can also be referred to Well Woman Health Check contracted clinics or to St. Vincent de Paul for follow up colposcopy or endometrial biopsies.


Well Woman Health Check

The Well Woman Health Check offers free breast and cervical cancer screenings to uninsured women and includes most of the diagnostic tests if the screenings are abnormal.

Current clinics that are contracted as Well Woman providers are Adelante, Valley Wise, Mountain Park, and Wesley. 



All clinics that are contracted as Well Woman Health Check providers will be able to provide colposcopy.  St. Vincent de Paul also offers free colposcopies for women who meet the criteria per the ASCCP. 


Most of the FQHCs that are contracted providers  through the Well Woman HealthCheck program have the capabilities to perform LEEPs free of charge. 


If a woman has biopsy confirmed cancer and received services through one of the Well Women Health Check contracted clinics they have services for case management, referral to treatment, transportation, etc. 


Breast Cancer


Colon Cancer