St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul
Charity Clinic
The Virginia G. Piper St. Vincent de Paul Medical Clinic is a charity clinic that offers primary and specialty care to uninsured people of all ages.
They are a temporary transitional clinic acting as a bridge for people without healthcare as they obtain a long-term medical home. They are staffed by volunteer physicians practicing in their specialty. Medical services in the clinic such as medications and labs are low-cost/free.
To be a patient at this clinic, you must be uninsured and not on a sliding scale at one of the local Federally Qualified Healthcare Centers.
This clinic operates on a lottery system and one must fill out a new patient form to be considered for the lottery. Once accepted in the lottery, you must schedule a screening appointment to determine eligibility.
Phone: 602-261-6825
Fax: 602-261-6816
Address: 420 W. Watkins Rd. Phoenix Az 85003