
Regardless of whether you practice by the ATP4, USPSTF  or AHA/ACC guidelines there are a

number of resources available for treatment of high cholesterol. 

When working with the underserved remember not to hold their medications hostage based on unnecessary visits, if sending the prescription for a statin send one year at a time.  

If their ASCVD merits treatment with a statin there is no need to repeat the lipid panel once on the statin.  

Fasting panels are unnecessary in the majority of patients as it will not change the ASCVD% significantly to affect treatment thresholds.  For this reason draw the patients while they are in the office and do not force them to return unnecessarily while fasting.


The Walmart $4 has moderate dose statins for $9/month or $24/3 months and a high dose option for $15 and $38 respectively.

Point of care labs

Heart to Heart International sponsors establishing point of care labs in free and charitable clinics that include but are not limited to A1c, istat, lipids and microalbumin which would cover all of the laboratory based quality metrics for patients with most chronic diseases where hyperlipidemia plays a factor.



